Layouts 4 Ning and more!
Spoken as that of a true visionary like myself, though many would say watch your ego that's the ruin of all you've strived for aye,and don't let greed raise its ugly head.. its a hard one you want to better your life and surroundings and those of others that come into your space as well, but don't want to create the rivalry of envy at the same time..I try not to get involved with American Politics though as I don't know enough its not my thing either but balance is needed I'm told.Thank-you for sharing your thoughts here I'm new to the site and just was flicking through things and was drawn to this group and your comment..Inlakech @V@ <^>
Bill said:
It would be interesting to read the remainder of the article. I agree that there is a lot to think about there and it shows that there was a very good reason that he was selected to be our first president. He mentions of not dismissing any knowledge, as it is pertinent through any time period as long as it is regarded as such. Socrates' thoughts have proven to be valid almost 2000 years after being written. I do, disagree, however in him alluding that self-interest is in a way wrong as opposed to interest of the community. Socialism has many merits on paper, but has never worked in all the years that it's been tried. We all know that there is strength in numbers. But, this system can be abused to easily to make a select few fare better than many individuals. I have come to think that if we had a populace that was in the thought of all citizens wanting to aspire to something higher, than we would be, in fact, the strongest country. But, a big part of our problem is that our country has fallen into a "socialist" mindset. There are too many that are more than happy to be complacent and accept normalcy. We see this in almost every sector imaginable. For every 10 people, there are only 1 or 2 that are willing to grab the bull by the horn and get the things done that have to be. The other 8 or 9 simply stand back and act as sheep, only to complain of the decisions those 1 or 2 made when they have hindsight as their weapon of choice. If everyone would try to strive to be a leader, it would lead to much more competition and would lead to a furthering in knowledge through intelligent debate. But, as we sit today, there are very few that will make the leap into a leadership role, and therefore we are left to less competent, but willing alphas. Our economy has shown us that there have been far too many people in leadership roles that clearly did not possess the proper "metal" to be there. But, there were too few to pick from that were any better. It is time for citizens to start looking into themselves and trying to find what it is that they were actually meant to do. I know a man at the local grocery market that has shown time and time again to be an extremely intelligent and versatile intellectual. But, he has fallen into the train of thought that he is happy with his easy life as it is. Why try harder when there are those that will do it for me. A sad thing to hear him say. I have a very strong feeling that were he to enter politics, you would see some drastically different ways of thinking because he has not been tainted by the corruption that most of our current leaders abhor to. It is time for a drastic change in our society, and it will take everyday Joe's and Jane's to make that leap. Yes, I want to have all the nice things in life. I want the nice house on the coast. I want a winter home in Florida. I would also like to have a home in Alaska. A nice car sitting at each, waiting for me to hop. Do I want to outdo my neighbor? Not necessarily. But, given that I come home and see that he has a better car in his driveway than in mine and I work hard to make my business more fruitful so that I can afford a "newer and better" car. How is it possible that that is a bad thing. I am making my company more profitable, thereby increasing it's success. My employees now have further room for advancement and will do better as well. And, the "neighbor" comes home and sees a better car sitting in my driveway and does the same. Now we have two people that are trying to make themselves better, bringing more capitol into the economy. And, given the above points, there should also be people within these companies that want to succeed further and will work up the lines or start their own businesses as well.
Started by AnGella. Last reply by Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ Mar 13, 2024.
Started by AnGella. Last reply by Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ Mar 13, 2024.
Started by AnGella. Last reply by AnGella Aug 19, 2013.
Started by AnGella. Last reply by Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ Aug 22, 2012.
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