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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ has not received any gifts yet
Raven, the Trickster, Creator, Transformer, most human and god-like of creatures, is looking to preserve the land from the ravages of the powerful action of the ocean, which seeks to pull all the land back under its protective blanket of cold dark water. Raven prefers the dry land where the sun brings warmth and feeds the many life forms found there. He plans to ring the land with large stones to break the incessant waves the ocean brings to bear.
Raven ends his search for the globe of enlightenment and enters the world of discovery. He is pleased, but at the same time confused and worried by the awareness that his life has changed, irrevocably and forever. No longer will he be able to profess ignorance or the inability to deal with any problem that may arise. He may not perform well, but he must now accept the responsibility that intelligence brings.
Raven is an entertainer at heart, so he keeps his audience thrilled with his improbable tales of adventure and daring. They may not be completely true, but his is the lie that brings truth to his listeners. His stories encompass all the lessons that are needed to thread one's way through life, with all its twists and turns.
FIRSTLY FOOTNOTE: Warning -- Any Person,Extraterrestrial,Alien Race and/or Institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any Governmental, Public or Private Structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including but not limited to my photos, and/or the comments made about my photo's or any other text or "picture" art posted on my profile or posted by me on any other page or profile. You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating,or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee(s), agent(s), student(s) or any personnel under your direction or control. The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law...So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!..
PEOPLE - Let me tell you a portion of myself then,In all honesty,despite the image,and what people may think of my picture's here,my life is a empty can,I may have a philosophy degree but my head is filled with only the sound of my own voice,insane ramblings of a made for TV character,for which I have foolishly traded all. A hollow bargain which netted me many of my most abundant treasures,amoung these are:loneliness,manic desperation (not depression) and of course my wonderful collection of emotional & phychological issues,which include such gems as an obsessive compulsive disorder being a constant thirst Heavy Metal music,manic aggressiveness(peeved off with Religion) uncontrollable,unfounded emotional attacks (I feel not only my own,but others pains,as I am a empathic Raven person,a messenger,Soul Seer a healer, of mankind) which are a beautiful site to behold,as they contain extreme fits of sobbing,screaming & curseing obsenities at GOD,circle walking and phrase repetition,makeing me,for lack of a better term,"far beyond driven" (No Pantera pun intended) which causes me to work incessently,climb,crawl,jump,run and do inhuman amounts of physical work and tasks for as many as 5 days continuosly no sleep,(Insomnia) unable to stop,day after day,over and over to the point of exhaustion.
A disorder ADD I'm told,who friggin knows, just another label society places on people which are unique, described as one compelled to 'go & go' and never stop,because stopping means death! or worse,like realizing unfathonable loss's and self despisition,fear of the most horrific fate of all,becoming aware of ones sin,sorrow and the selfishness purveyed unto everyone and everything to ever have had the misfortune of crossing paths with that monster which hides its uglyness inpure and unequitable lost soul such as mine,.....the worst and most horrific part -the only known cure is so Im told....TO BURN IN HELL!!! OR MAYBE THIS WORLD IS ANOTHER PLANETS HELL!!
IM NOT SURE...TAGGED,BAGGED,FRAGGED,SLAGGED & LABLED....Oh Shit....Ghod Damn it!! Everybody has Tagged me,Deep breath,bend over clutch ankles and cough!...Vlada, using phrases unprintable under current law,gets banned from networking sites for refusing to divulge himself fully to protect his privacy,and has had many false accusations thrown at him out of jealiousy and refused all requests to write a letter of introduction for his page once. However, a curious accident involving a Windows XP bug and a freeware Jewish Calendar program caused the following biosketch to fall through a tiny perforation in the time continuum. As far as we can tell, it was (will be?) written in the year 2066 or so by a young scholar whose first book Vlada's Universal Offerings has had the occasion to read the first few pages of, then use as a liner for a cat litter box,then went on with further Raven Rants that took off with a roar and thought this fragment informative enough to include here:
"Vlada is a curmudgeonly old soul who, when he is not kicking Butts in a mosh pit or correcting copies of his writtings with white twink ink, spends most of his time in the garden wearing a filthy, floppy karki sun-hat and deliberately frightening neighborhood children by barking obscenities and waving his arms about his head,making them think hes a sea gull gone mad or more,rolls on the floor at the local toy store,playing,fantasy realms with lego and action figures with the kids, while there mothers do their shopping in peace...:The last surviving member of his university class, he has become its? secretary by default and takes keen, cackling delight in filling group pages with long, rambling, and nauseatingly explicit tales about the state of his Religious beliefs, He is past one hundred years old in wisdom at times, from the look of him not so, and gleefully anticipates "outliving the last of the baby-boomers' obnoxious, overindulged spawn." Any rumors regarding his underlying benevolence or other redeeming human qualities should be viewed with deep suspicion." less...
My hobbies & interests: Playing and making music,singing,performing on stage, writing lyrics,poetry, digital photography,making reproduction French provencal furniture, non-Hollywood movies, alternative media, social networking.
My dislikes: Drama queens; intellectual incuriousity; people who rely on 'intuition' alone while ignoring facts, logic, empiricism and quantifiable proof;My questions friends: "Sorry, was there something you were after?" "Would you like a drink?" "Where can I get some decent sushi in your neighbourhood?" "Have you seen today's newspaper?" "If you went camping with a friend overnight and you woke up with cold sores around your mouth and a condom hanging out of a bodily orifice, and grass stains on your knees,would you tell anyone?" "Really?" "Do you want to come camping next weekend? "Yes I'm a joker big time,all in good fun...Keywords: A mystery surrounded by a conundrum within an enigma...VLADA.....
"I am an excitable person who only understands life lyrically, musically, in whom feelings are much stronger as reason. I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls."I am what I am and I am one In the form of a man who will always be biologically younger than his actual age (blame the anti-aging DNA). I love to learn, exercise, and help people to what ever they need to realize to wake up and make them self ready for the ascension. I'm not necessarily the end result of my past... I'm more like the current result of the beginning of my future. I'm always planning something. I like to think of my life as a set of a big Puzzle laid out in a complex, intricate, and yet marvelous design; with each individual pieces of that universal Puzzle specifically laid into place, while simultaneously representing a particular stage in my Eternal Life. The more I grow, the more I learn, the more the design starts to unfold and take shape... as my purpose and direction becomes more clear to me. This on going process remains synonymous with that which I am that I am, and I am ONE & balanced though I am a celestial being I'm living a human existence... an on going process....
Vlada:====You have a very powerful Sun conjunct Chiron aspect in 3 Gemini, an aspect of one who can accumulate tremendous amount of occult wisdom. You may also have had a serious wound, especially of the heart, which will take a long time to heal, and healing it involves your selfless help to others.In your past life you may have witnessed a genocide of galactic proportions, for Venus and ALGOL are conjunct.You are likely to have Moon and PALLAS conjunct in Pisces, and this has steadily opened your Pineal Gland and allowed you full ESP including Telepathy/Remote Viewing and Lucid Dreaming,Clairvoyance, Clairsentience,Clairaudience,Clairkinescence abilities. Neptune is sextile AURA and AURA is trine Pluto, this can make you one who heals by sensing the etheric body of people.Star Origin is very unclear,most likely no longer in existence but the aspects and Asteroid placements noted are definitely of a Star Seed....Indigo,Shekinah Blue Ray,..connections to the following planets.. Lumaria,Sirius,Maldek,Pleides,Lyra...
Exhilaration,Anticipation,Realisation,Truth, Health,EARTH...these things life has always meant,and mean a lot to me,looking back I recall few mornings when I didn't greet the day with a certain degree of exhilarating expectancy. Even in my times of trouble and sorrow, this peculiar quality of mind helped me over obstacles to happiness,which were retrospectively viewed and seemed insurmountable.A peculiar spiritual egotism possibly it might be called,but it led me to look for special things,facing the deadly monotony of the common place ,as a child I always looked for the unusual and romantic to occur,what would otherwise have been lonely,troubled and difficult years,were made enjoyable by this exalted state of my imagination. Such unusual things did happen and that same vivid imagination magnified them,and made them seem colossal. The commonplace of Nature blossomed with beauty,just a small buttercup or daisy to me looked like rare orchids or roses,and a common ant looked like a monster from the science fiction movie "Star wars" crazy as really. Between what really happened to enlarge and brighten my horizon,and what I believe had happened,and what I continually expected to happen,the world widened,existence grew in interest,and earth palpitated with new experiences as the years passed. Always I expected more and more of life,and always it came. But with this came times of despair,its melancholy moods,its self-depreciated periods,and its times of utter dejection. In my teens such moods came and went like the sudden changes of the climate,but in my darkest hours,there was always a consciousness of life's wonderful interest - an intensity of enjoyment even of my own miseries.I was frequently sorry for the dull souls who did not know how to be so utterly awakened as I could be.Life in my teens was plagued with bitter battles with those moods of discouragement and despondency,which seemed to grow in duration and intensity as I entered more fully into a understanding of the world and myself,and realised how much I wanted to do,to have,to be,and how difficult it was to attain,virtually alone and remote.I lived with my exaggerated values of many things and events,but I lived to learn,the ability to express myself in verse and the light that I am able to grope my way safely over the dark places,helped,at first the pleasure of writing and the pleasure of having people notice my work seemed all satisfying. I find great satisfaction in what I do with the pen,and have received full measure of appreciation from the recipients of my small but continuous reflections of existence,if one failed to appreciate others more than repaid my efforts,and if one disappointed me in the use of my virtues,another happily surprised me.But there came an hour when a new aspect of life confronted me,it was a grave hour when I realised that I wasn't to sing by the roadside and busk for money.
I realised I was destined to be a helper in the Universe,that I was driven to mold thought,guide conduct,and sustain purpose by my talent,and from that hour humanity became my family,and all people would be my blood kin,and life and work grew in pleasure and importance. I knew I had been given a talent for a purpose,and that to neglect its use would be a sad state of affairs and a waste. Only when I stop breathing shall my work be finished here in this Universe. Poems are forced from my pen,short stories & lyrics for songs also,but life meant more to me than just literary achievement,to be a poet only was never the sum-total of my ambitions,I longed to study to achieve greater understanding of human philosophies, so achieving my degree in such was a major milestone,it made me feel complete in a way,I felt with my modeling Id plunged into roads I imagined to be a great highway of progress but found it a bypass leading to marshes and jungles,or to the land of nowhere. But although a mistake served as a stair on which I climbed to a larger understanding of the world,of myself,and of life's real meaning. On this path I wrote the following verse that meant so much to me ,and to this day I believe it was my driving force behind my accomplishments and my will to stick to my University exams with vengeance,so I want to share it with you,I so hope it shows you who I am and why I do what I do.:
I may not reach the heights I seek,My untied strength may fail me,or half way up the mountain peak,Fierce tempests may assail me...But though that place I never gain,herein lies life's comfort for my pain..I will be worthy of it....I may not triumph in success,despite my earnest labor,I may not grasp results that bliss the efforts of my neighbor..But though that goal I never see,this thought shall always dwell with me,I will be worthy of it....The golden glory of love's light,may never fall on my way,my path may lead through shadowed nights like some deserted byway,but though life's dearest joy I miss,there lies a nameless strength in this...I will be worthy of it...
So I studied, I read, I indulged in physical culture, I became intimate with the planet I reside and found the intoxication found in it,that which we have always had,yet we never fully appreciate. I entertained and was entertained by many of people, whose names alone had enlarged my horizon in life. I felt I was dwelling in an enchanted land,and that feeling has never left me,despite some disappointments and disillusionment's. The materialization into personalities of some of the famous names Ive met,proved not always happiness or satisfaction. Talent and genius has seemed to me like' two white sentinels guarding the door of the human mind from the intrusion of ignoble jealousy,petty envy,and unworthy selfishness'. But friendships vital,educational,and lasting have resulted,and life has grown richer with the passing years,and its meaning more potent with each experience. There has been those along the pathway that have tried to discourage my want of learning,to detract me from my work,and to question my point of view,I spose they were a part of my development,I was told that all had been said before me,by great writers,that I could only repeat,in a crude form,yet messages already delivered by the Masters,still I wrote on,as thoughts came,and believed I had been given my own personal message for the world. Every new phase of life gives me a new message to humanity,and all are making life mean to me more and more exhilaration,anticipation,realization,usefulness,and growth. To be a part of this Universe,to be a helper,means to me the fullness of satisfaction, I expected much of life,it has given,in all ways,more than I expected. I have known loneliness,discontent,trouble. I have waited years for what I felt I must obtain immediately,yet for each hour of pain I have known three of happiness, I have come into closer acquaintance with surrounding realms with the passing of each day,impression of my early youth that Invisible Helpers were those who strove to do right and who sought the heights,became first a conviction,and is now a Knowledge....
~Vlada~ aka Rayvhenwing~
Use your Gifts, Child."
This phrase, used ad nauseam, was my introduction to Raven. that is what He would tell me incessantly any time I asked Him a direct question about what would be happening. He would almost never tell me specifically what was going on; He seemed to prefer to watch me squirm as I tried to get by on my own underdeveloped resources. time and again I would find myself cornered with nowhere to go and turn to Him only to find Him laughing at my desperation.
At the time I was not sure whose influence I was under, just that they were there and they had plans for me. I had just begun exploring my abilities; years of religious bullshit shoved down my throat 11yrs training had taught me to fear that which I was; anything even remotely nonphysical was a gift from Raven.
After falling from favour of my biological fathers church for questioning their blind faith, I started exploring my own abilities, unhindered by an overbearing paranoid hierarchy. I studied many different belief systems and philosophies, some more extensively than others. through all my wanderings, a single voice crooned to me through all the confusion. it was quite elusive, this voice; like seeing something out of the corner of your eye. you know something is there, but are unable to clearly define it. no matter how hard I tried, I never could quite catch it.
Eventually my studies led me to animal guide studies. I had long believed that all systems were arbitrary, that it was the intent and the meaning behind the particular system, and it seemed as good a system as any. I found the similarities between the Tribal American and Northern European Animal Guide systems introduced to me by a fellow Raven, quite intriguing; this comparative to religion came second nature to me. the more I studied these systems, the more they seemed to make sense, in a way. I still believe that the system does not make a bit of difference, but foci are a vital part of spiritual being.
I studied all the different animals pretty much equally at first. a few of them kept reappearing in my reality and would not go away. friends of mine actually associated me with Raven long before I accepted it myself. it seemed a bit too convenient and stereotypical...the light bringer who sacrificed part of himself for the betterment of the whole. it took me quite a while before that voice...the same voice that had been there from the beginning, the voice who sung me to sleep and screamed deafening curses when we disagreed...finally started telling me things which were relevant to my work. it all started falling into place. "Once you have realized That Which You Are, some people will fear you and not know why and others will be attracted to you and not know why. This is the Way of it."
The more I went with it, the clearer things became...note that I say 'clearer' and not 'easier' things have never been easy, nor do I expect that they ever will be that is the nature of the Path, or so I have been told.
Once I started realizing my ability, Raven started revealing more and more about His nature and what that means. historically, He has been savior and sinner, protagonist and antagonist, sometimes both at once. Raven is paradox personified; being everything and nothing at the same time. His motives are equally mysterious; often the good that comes out of one of His actions are merely a side-effect. that is not to say that he is evil; in fact He is beyond such primitive concepts. it is not the action, He tells me, but the intent and the energy which determines alignment.
We became increasingly intimate; Raven became my lover and my enemy at the same time; dangling bits of carrot in front of me only to smack me in the face with them later. He became my best friend and total stranger; at times I am a part of Him, others I am apart from Him. He teaches me things about other people that I wished never to know; he teaches me things about myself that I wished never existed. we have an identical set of matching gouge marks; mine in my shoulder and His on His throat.
I do not profess to hold the key to all wisdom; these are just a few ramblings about what goes on in my reality. many of Raven's children do not agree; in fact they often contradict each other entirely. but that is all part of being one of His children; Raven is all things to all people, some things to some and to others he is just a shadow. being the master shape-shifter that He is, it would be surprising if any two people actually did agree on Him.
We Raven have a few characteristics which mark us as His, but most of them would be un-recognisable to one who did not have the same traits. the only thing I can liken it to is a shared event or experience; those who were there at the event can instantly recognize another as being the same, while those who were not would not see it; indeed, many would not see it even after being told..
a few of the stereotypes do tend to hold true. we are excellent at surveillance; our vigilance and patience are employed with so much skill and care that it could almost be mistaken for voyeurism. if there is a rumor to be heard, a Raven knows it....but rarely divulges. secrets are our most treasured possessions; and our own secrets are prized over all. we may seem oblivious to our surroundings, but we are always paying attention. always.
we value honesty highly; however, we are not above deception when it suits our needs. we will generally not deceive other Family members, this is dictated by the appropriate Protocol ,while it is not impossible to lie to each other, it is extremely difficult; we have a natural ability to ferret out the truth from bullshit, again, this is a natural kenning.
we are interested in how things work; many of us are analysts, scientists or technical workers of some kind. we love information and knowledge; most of us prefer books to movies or television, and live to hear tales and fables. we each have a unique skill which we excel at but rarely practice. we have little patience for anything which does not meet our expectations or standards.
you do not ever want to ask a child of Raven what they think unless you really want to know in no uncertain terms. we almost invariably grew up loners and introverts; tact, while not unknown, is seen as pointless social ritual. once you have gained a Raven's trust [no easy task] and are deemed worthy, we will do anything for you. we do not let many people in.
being a child of Raven may sound very intriguing; to be able to convincingly become anything you wish and to have access to bits of knowledge long since forgotten; to have such a clean grasp on profound wisdom. be warned, however, that with anything comes a price. stability, comfort and blissful ignorance will be as strangers to you. there is no "off switch" for the floodgates of information which you have access to.
Much, if not most, information which comes as second nature to you seems at the time to be completely useless and trivial; however, looking back, you see that that same bit of information which you thought was completely pointless was, in fact, completely pointless. Raven sacrificed a large part of himself to bring light; you also do the same. the transformation is never easy, often painful and invariably permanent.
There is no elite click to be joined; no summoning rituals or prayers. no amount of posing and questing will make you become accepted by Raven. it is like hair colour; you simply are or you are not. sure, you can dye your hair, but you and your hairdresser will both know the truth, and you will eventually be caught with your pants down and your true colours showing. He and He alone decides which are His and which are not. while it is possible to gaining His attention, be warned; Raven has little patience for games [well, at least games that are not His] and does not suffer fools gladly...
In life it would seem the path of Raven breed...
has to brings them self out from their own torment and torture..
The chains of pain and suffering early in years at the hand of evil...
Who break us and confine us and try to keep us down
Until,we open our eyes and spread our wings into the night becoming free
and breaking the restraints of our minds our souls our hearts and our bodies
Soaring freely from the ashes of our own personal hells to become a light house..
a beacon of hope..
a comforting spark In the blackness, lighting the world and spreading it across mankind..
in hope of touching the souls of those who cannot find their footing
in the darkest depths....
Rising and soaring while holding onto the hands of those below us
until they too can see a glimmer of light
and un-break their own shackles to become one with mother earth,
with the universe and with each other...
To touch just one person and show them the light within them is a gift
to be cherished and treasured...
like a lovers heart in your hands to tenderly guide them until they fly freely....
Derived for some time in the Gothic culture, he bears interest on the dark romanticism, art in all its forms, the culture of the wildest, the esoteric, in photography,the moon, night, forest, winter, snow, and the great cathedrals, all these elements used to describe such dark atmosphere and attractiveness to this Raven ..
Apart from that he also likes to leave gifts behind to his loved ones,a feather or two to show his presence,hes a giver not a taker...
Rayvhenwing had a sudden change of self. As someone once very introverted on himself, he developed a sudden personality, mentality, his views on all things and gain confidence in himself. He quickly learned to confront his thoughts to those of other times he was stupid or wrong. Now it has formed its own personality, admittedly a bit strange to some, and became a separate being, independent.
Unknown to all carthésiens he finds his way in a dream world, away from this world who wants manipulative, calculating, and which persists in leading humanity into a molded goodness. Cultivating his own ideals, he seeks to enhance the romance, lost long ago. He is a character to be dark, cold and distant, but in some cases open and warm. Unfortunately it remains difficult to identify by its mystery somewhat whimsical. Otherwise sometimes shy, or confident, sometimes soft, or extravagant misenthrope on board, ..
~Vlada~aka Rayvhenwing.
Crows are the keepers of the Sacred Law
and to have a Crow totem is very powerful.
Personal Integrity are your watchwords and your guide in Life.
If you have a Crow totem, your prime path
is to be mindful of your opinions and actions.
You must be willing to walk your talk,
to speak your truth and to know your life's mission.
Crow is a omen of Change.
Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time,
therefore, it sees past, present and future simultaneously.
Crow merges both light and dark, both inner and outer.
It is the totem of the Great Spirit and must be respected as such.
They are symbols of creation and spiritual strength.
Look for opportunities to create and manifest the magic of life.
Crows are messengers calling to us
about the creation and magic that is alive in the world today
and available to us.
Hello my beautiful brother of Night-Winged words ringed in shadow, rung from shattered, shuttered souls;strung like wind-harps in the storm sky thing, striking lightning to the core of beings,yet soft as obsidian feathered wings and the murmur of silence breathed between... I greet thee Sir [bows...]
Here is a Blue flame dreamway, a doorway or portal as such - into night or into light, wherever lead it may,use for healing... just for you :-)... been fooling around with the graphics programs again, had to share this poor morsel of art dragged from the corpse of my mind ;-) ....This one is just for you ... it requires a true Raven Like you Sir to guide and guard this gateway.....LOL.... hmmmm if camping is that eventful.. wherever do you find the quiet for your wonderful poetry? :-) Brock....
Another chance to rise and embrace the gift of life ...Stand in awe of the promise that transcends the frailty of time.....This is the time for change,remember all that remains is to move beyond the self-absorbed,the allure of self-reliance and indulgence of desire led to the separation from the network of design I pass to you my essence of soul healing,entwined in my magick gift a breath of cleansing light, let it sweep through you and take with it in its stride all toxins and leeched tendrils,release this to the ether and into the take in the essence of me through it in your thoughts allow me to embrace your soul in my blue flame light....Inhale - Exhale - Breath......
Ashuk aut adinum
ade na mazeuomaste oi ligoi kai oi kaloi na, moirazomaste tetoia akoustikh empeiri...
Happy December, friend!
Thank you, Vlada.
I had a huge smile when I saw the image, before reading your message.
KHALO is very cute.
Hi, Vlada. Thanks for adding me.
I have a huge curiosity. How are you physically and truly? Hugs.
Nice week!
Started by AnGella in Meeting Place. Last reply by Jon Blanco Oct 24, 2024.
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Started by AnGella in Announcements!. Last reply by ღCustom Creationsღ Test Page Apr 21, 2021.
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