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Lisa Harper
  • Female
  • Belmont, NC
  • United States
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  • Theresa F Koch
  • Lady
  • CarolCat
  • Jackie
  • Gloria

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Lisa Harper updated their profile
Jun 14, 2023
Jackie left a comment for Lisa Harper
"Hello my dear friend. Hope you have a wonderful vacation. Big hugs, Jackie"
Apr 24, 2023
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"A glorious  Wed. day to you.  Such a surprise I saw at the bird feeder early this morning. Yes it is a white squirrel and then next came one of the blue jays.  I so do enjoy my bird feeder that gives me joy all day long. Now I need…"
Oct 5, 2022
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"With fall in the air and back to cooler days and nights I just had to brew up some  New England Coffee flavored  caramel apple to brighten up ones day even more than it is now. May you have a  nice Monday sharing your smile .…"
Aug 23, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"A Wonderful Monday day to you. May your week be a pleasant one. Abit warm these next few days so I have decided to relax with the house hold duties and take a short  mini vacation . Now I will see how that thought will work, haha.  Enjoy…"
Aug 16, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"May you have a glorious week enjoying your moments.  A rather warm day and I am prepared for I have  ice tea and ice coffee in the frig for the day. I do  like to take the day easy when one has these warm days off and on during the…"
Aug 9, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"I am really starting to think about fall. This morning I just had to have some caramel pumpkin flavored coffee from the New England coffee blends. Ever so smooth and tasty. Now where is my pumpkin muffin?  Opps forgot to make some. I will need…"
Aug 5, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"May your day bring calmmess to you and give you such joy within your heart as you do your daily duties.  For me at the moment I am having a spot of flavored neapolitan from  Good&Gather. It has a chocolate, vanilla  and…"
Aug 3, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"A glorious Wed. day to you as you enjoy your special  day doing this and that today. This will be our last 90 plus temp day and I am most happy about it.  Blessed to have a breeze also so that  helps the day to not be as warm. I…"
Jul 28, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"Wow where did this month go to for it is the last week of the month and will be soon into August.  Each month has it beauty, so exciting to see and enjoy.  I am sipping on some honey's bon from the Donut Shop flavored coffee as I do…"
Jul 26, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"A cloudy day with temps in the 70's and maybe afew rain drops might fall from the sky. A very nice day I would say. Enjoying a nice cup of Folgers Vanilla Biscotti flavored coffee at the moment.  My how I like having any type of biscotti…"
Jul 21, 2021
Lisa Harper posted a status
"The cost of a smile is priceless…share yours today with may just be the only one they see. Their day will truly be changed."
Jul 20, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"No sunshine for we have fog today. Crazy weather! Wonderful though for we did get some rain yesterday morning for  awhile. Wow what a sight that was to see and smell the rain coming down .  It was wonderful standing in it for abit.…"
Jul 20, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"May you have a very special Monday day as you do your household duties and enjoy also outdoors of summer. I  know I sure will as I get the laundry done and the dustbunnies in control once more.  Going to enjoy the out if doors  as…"
Jul 19, 2021
Gloria left a comment for Lisa Harper
"A glorious day to you.  Cool nights and warm days what a pleasant summer. Now if we could get some rain off and on  now that would be ever so nice. Just brewed up some toasted marshmallow mocha for it is way below into the 60's…"
Jul 15, 2021
Jackie left a comment for Lisa Harper
"Big hugs and blessings, Jackie"
Jul 7, 2021

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At 12:51pm on July 17, 2023, Gloria said…

May your Monday day be ever so nice to you as your doing your daily duties.  We are abit cool up north for we just might make it to 70 for the temp sometime today.  Cant believe that July is  half over already and it just started.  Enjoying all the moments of summer as the late summer flowers are now starting to bloom in the flower beds. Smiles  Gloria

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you — not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown

At 11:05am on July 6, 2023, Gloria said…

May your day be ever so nice to you as you do your daily duties of the day and take some time off  to enjoy the moments of the day with a fresh cup of coffee and or tea.  We are having very cool temps this week so a nice hot cup  of coffee sounds  delicious  to me right at the moment.  Smiles   Gloria

Never ask, "What reason do I have to be happy?" Instead ask, "To what purpose can I attach my happiness?" ~Robert Brault,

At 9:16am on June 26, 2023, Gloria said…

May you have a glorious day doing this and that and hearing the birds singing. Many nests in the trees this spring so now I am watching the little birds flying around to and fro. It is so cute to watch is off and on as one is doing their daily duties. Smiles Gloria

At 11:48pm on June 23, 2023, Jackie said…

At 9:34am on June 23, 2023, Gloria said…

A Happy Friday day to you. My goodness this week just flew by enjoying the moments of life. I am so excited for we should receive some rain showers today and for the next days. Looking forward to splash in some puddles while singing a song and giggling!

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author unknown

At 12:29pm on June 20, 2023, Gloria said…

A glorious Tuesday day to you. Extra warm today so better enjoy some ice tea and or coffee to cool myself and then maybe some refreshing lemonade . Now to find my book and head outside and enjoy the summer breeze for awhile. May you have a very pleasant day. Smiles Gloria

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you — not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown

At 12:25am on April 24, 2023, Jackie said…

Hello my dear friend. Hope you have a wonderful vacation. Big hugs, Jackie

At 9:07am on October 5, 2022, Gloria said…

A glorious  Wed. day to you.  Such a surprise I saw at the bird feeder early this morning.

Yes it is a white squirrel and then next came one of the blue jays.

 I so do enjoy my bird feeder that gives me joy all day long. Now I need to  make myself a pot of coffee to make my day even more special.  May you have a very nice day doing this and that during your moments of life.  Smiles   Gloria

At 11:21am on August 23, 2021, Gloria said…

With fall in the air and back to cooler days and nights I just had to brew up some  New England Coffee flavored  caramel apple to brighten up ones day even more than it is now.

May you have a  nice Monday sharing your smile .  Smiles  Gloria

At 12:04pm on August 16, 2021, Gloria said…

A Wonderful Monday day to you. May your week be a pleasant one. Abit warm these next few days so I have decided to relax with the house hold duties and take a short  mini vacation . Now I will see how that thought will work, haha.  Enjoy your moments.  Smiles  Gloria





Shiny Happy Random Thread 1601 Replies

Started by AnGella in Meeting Place. Last reply by Jon Blanco Oct 24, 2024.


Started by Zohra in Meeting Place Sep 26, 2024.

RIP Skemanon 2009 - 2021 27 Replies

Started by AnGella in Announcements!. Last reply by AnGella Jun 3, 2023.

Apologies for Delayed Moderation 9 Replies

Started by AnGella in Announcements!. Last reply by ღCustom Creationsღ Test Page Apr 21, 2021.

Skemanon 2020? 36 Replies

Started by AnGella in Announcements!. Last reply by AnGella Aug 10, 2020.


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