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For those times when Skem9 goes down and we need a back-up plan....

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Sigh. I'm a moron. I suck at math. Granted, I may have had some shitty teachers....don't think it's genetics, my brother and two sisters excelled in math, but I suck. Is it really as easy as he says? Granted I am not the greatest thinker in the world. I don't know if that is something you're born with or a learned trait, but either way I certainly wouldn't fall in the top 10 thinkers list. So he may be right. Glad there are people out there that are good at math and are good at engineering because my fat ass loves elevators. But, I'd like to think I may be better at other things that he may not be so good at....whether it's from lack of interest on his part or just ineptness. And if he was pissed about the way something tasted that I had wasted my time cooking for him (yes, I can follow a recipe), I'd tell him to get off his ass and use his math skills in the kitchen.....To borrow an old saying everyone can't be a chief, you have to have a few indians. I would have sure loved to have been a chief! Another saying I love is "Those that can - do....those that can't - teach (or supervise or whatever -fill in the blanks here, lol). I am a doer and I'd rather be a doer any day than some of the lousy teachers and supervisors I have had (still have in supervisor dept) any day. So there!

I spent the day sleeping again. Will try to catch up in here.... I hijacked Scott's pc. ;)

My troubles with Ning is that it is expensive and I hate their forums. I like most of the rest of it. lol I still have my own server space for the wordpress site and that is paid for the next year so I am not considering ditching SA, just Ning. If people really like ning and want us to stick around, I might be able to pay month to month until I get the google revenue I need. But if it is just the three of us hanging out we could do that without ning. lol

I think Zac had was it available? I know you don't want to invest in the hosting, I can do that no problem cause it would be way cheaper than ning and I do have the spare dreamhost account too which likely has room on it for that.

Brandon P. said:

I haven't talked to John. I just spoke with Deb on Saturday, I think. She said she forwarded what I said to John, and called him, but I haven't heard from him, so it hasn't really gone over at all.

As far as it being down, seems to be up one minute, and down the next. I don't really have an explanation for that, except that it's to be expected when you host your site on a server that one dude runs out of his apartment (I mean this literally).

I lost a few days of work on the project, because I was lazy and didn't push to the git repo before I started changing several computers' data around, but I'm back at it this morning, rewriting what I wrote over the weekend.

Considering your troubles with the ning site, if it doesn't pan out with John and me, I'll spend 20 grueling minutes in Photoshop and work out a new design so I'm not completely ripping everything off, and set up another site... I'm open to suggestions.

PS... any chance you have some extra ram lying around? Would that help me if I am only running 2gig ram?

I was reading your blog today B. I love your writing style. :) is available.

I would be willing to pay for the hosting if the audience was there. That's one reason I wanted to try to get John behind it. Because if John says it's a re-launch of, then a whole bunch of previous members will flock right to it. But if it's just Mr. Evil launching or something, it doesn't mean much, and I kindof have to build up an audience from scratch, to go spend their time on yet another social network. It's pretty much the difference between one of your favorite sites coming back, and having a new site that you may or may not like.

While not super powerful, 2GB RAM should be sufficient for most usual computing tasks. I have a laptop that had 3GB, and it ran W7 Ultimate, Photoshop CS5, Eclipse, and several web browsers all at once. Sounds like some other issues are afoot on your computer. If you have your Windows disc or something, try reinstalling. Clean slate.

Thanks. I forget I have a blog most of the time.

I hear that, you would likely fare better than I have tho since members knew you and I was not known by but a handful of members.

RE your screenshots... Freakin awesome.
If keeping ning be helpful, I am considering auctioning off some of my record collection.

Ehh, I think you were probably more social than I was. I mainly just posted crude jokes, and was tolerated because I tried to help people. =p

Yeah I usually have two browsers and PSP X2 open at all times. It kicked butt when it was new. I'll have to do some digging for it's disks. What are the chances the issue carries over onto the external HD if I am only saving my documents and images?

Ha! That's why we love you B!

Brandon P. said:

Ehh, I think you were probably more social than I was. I mainly just posted crude jokes, and was tolerated because I tried to help people. =p

Get Microsoft Security Essentials, and scan anything before you save it.

If it's just a few years of clutter, then a fresh install will fix everything and documents won't have an effect.

If there's a hardware problem, then it'll carry over even after the reinstall.

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