Skemaholics Anonymous

Layouts 4 Ning and more!

Come on in and introduce yourself! I'll start.

I'm AnGella, I started this network after we lost the use of I had so much fun there learning how to do this stuff and seeing all the work other people made that I wanted to keep posting with others. I had started my own site to offer my design services but it was no fun posting alone. So here we are!

I'm pretty easy going. I'm modest. I'm an artaholic. I always wanted to be an artist when I grew up. My Senior year in High School was all art classes except for one required class... Econ. I wanted to go to MCAD (Minneapolis College of Art and Design) but didn't have the money post graduation. Then I guess I fell into the trap of believing I could never make a living with my art. Ok, I'm still not making any money on my art... but maybe one day. I really only got back into creating it in the past year.

I went to college when I was 25. I was able to apply for loans and grants at that time. I put art on the back burner and went for a degree in Anthropology with an emphasis in Forensics. (Death Investigation) I love it as much as art but just can't picture myself around dead people all day every day. I'd much rather make art even if it doesn't pay as well. There's that modesty... I don't need much in the way of possessions. Happiness is much more valuable to me.

Anything you want to know, just ask. :)

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Wow...haven't been in here for a while for various reasons that nobody wants or needs to hear about LOL...BIG HUGE welcome to all our new members!!! So great to have you here!!! *waves*

Hi i'm Marie, I am married with 4 children 2 boys, 2 girls. I am a music minister, writer, and business coach. I also do breakthrough life coaching along with my husband. I love art, music, teaching and movies =). I actually found this site on ning and I absolutley love it as well as all of the layouts. I am hoping to gain some pointers and learn how to create layouts etc. I started a ning network and a few other sites recently some that i'm still building and I have no idea what i'm doing when it come to css lol, I really like ning and I love the layouts and covers that the designers have made.

Thanks a lot Marie, I appreciate the compliment on the site! Looks like we're practically neighbors. :) Let me know if I can help!

Welcome Marie!! Nice to have you here :)

Bon día, soy mouner -manel- soy virgen en este mundo virtual apenas llevo 2 años con internet y tal. Así que se poco y todo lo que se es por chafardear y provar cosas. Mi aficion es leer y escribir, estoy con una novela sobre montserrrat y el grial y bueno entre en alguna pag de esas de poetas y tal qunque poeta no me considero, tan solo aprediz. En fin a parte soy quiromasajista y bueno ahora con la crisis, estoy pensando en emigrar.
Mi otra aficion es la fotografia, mi tercer ojo por eso me interesa esto de crear paginas y tal y poder usas mis fotos y eso.
Ahora como te dije, estoy comprometiendome a aprender a llevar esto de las redes sociales pues un amigo estaba creando uno, pero ha muerto y bueno quisiera a ver si soy capaz de cumplir su último deseo en su nombre, se llama Principito el, no se si lo conocierais alguien.
Bueno este es mi resumen,
benedicciones besos de luz a todos

Hi everyone, my name is Cynthia and I'm a retired social worker. Native american grew up on the res and been moving about like a gypsy since. Traveled from coast to cost of both US and Canada. I love nature and animals.
Now about art well I have done hand drawings and oil paintings as well as native crafts.
No one special, just me the inquisitive one.

Welcome to the site! Thanks for the intro! :)


Thanks Rose. :) Welcome to the site!

hello i love how you explain and welcome your members i am a theme creator since 2 years i love to share and create my themes here and hope mi can learn how to create new ways i promise at all times to respect you and everyone here

hugggss sharita

Welcome to the site! Thanks so much for the kind words. :)

Welcome to the site and thanks so much for the compliment!

Nikki said:

Hello!! my real name is Jherie Nicole but to make it more simple i go by Nikki... (short for Nicole) Born and rasied in El Paso, Texas,im 24 yrs old and work as a radiologic technologist... I am now semi-single... in the process of a divorce but it happens.. I love meeting people from everywhere all over the world... I consider myself a very easy person to get along with as i do not get into drama and such... I enjoy ice skating, reading, music... Im just a average girl making the best out of life.. thank you for having me here you have a lovely site so many beautiful themes.. if you would like to meet me or ask anything just hit me up... and.. almost forgot Merry Christmas to all...

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