Skemaholics Anonymous

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Now day's with people being so busy in life, or just picky, they don't realize little things. Which in "little things" could mean so much. Taking a moment to smell freshly cut grass. Listening to a baby giggle. Taking a breather instead of getting mad. Then of course there is the whole treating someone like they are actually human and have feelings.

Which of course, I choose to be talking about the last one. Treating someone like they are human and have feelings. For some reason now day's people don't realize that. You know, that they aren't the only ones in the world who actually feel. So they always seem to do or say something that makes another human being feel mortified. Hurt. Mad.

My experience happened last night when I went out with a couple friends to our local 'club'. The week has been a big mess and thought I deserved a little fun. So I set out on a mission to have fun. Which lately every time I go out there I never have any fun. So for some reason I didn't think I would. Which surprised me when it happened.

First of all I need to point out that most of the time when I go out there someone usually ruins it by laughing at me. Smirking at me. Or telling me I'm ugly or something. Which ruins it quickly, by the way. So of course last night is going to be a bit of fresh air. A relief one might say.

When we arrived I didn't think much of anything. I just wanted to dance. I love to dance and anybody who knows me can back that up. But of course, I never said I could, just that I enjoy dancing. Woo! Moving on.

I sat down with... you know what I'll go about this a different direction. This way seems to be more appealing to people who read this.

Picture this if you will:

A girl. A younger girl. A younger girl standing at a bar. A younger girl standing at a bar who is not quite as thin as most.

Got it pictured?

Okay, now this.

A guy. A nice looking guy. A nice looking guy approaching that same bar. A nice looking guy leaning toward that girl.

Got it?

"Hey! How's it going?"
"Hello. Good, I guess." She shrugs.
"It's always good to be getting drunk." He smiles.
She laughs. "Indeed."
"Let me guess." He gets a little closer. "You are from Ardmore, too?"
She shakes her head. "I live here."
"So you weren't born here?" He looked a little interested.
"Where were you born at?" He asks.
His eyes widen. "Oh really? Me too. What part?"
She smiles. "Amarillo."
She smiles. "No way! I was born in Odessa."

She walks away.

Now mind you this girl does hear all the time that people around there was born in Texas. Seriously. But nearly more often than none does she ever find one from the Panhandle of Texas. It's just not normal. Which she found that interesting, but not enough to actually talk to him more.

Or was she playing "hard to get". Not that it actually mattered if she did or didn't. He wasn't coming back. To her, any way.

For a little while she watched people dance. Bobbing her head and upper body to the music and every now and then adding her arms for more enjoyment. For other people, not her. Usually when she is bobbing to music she looks down at the floor, which she happened to be that night. As she was coming back to Earth, she dazes a lot, and noticed a really nice tan hand reaching out for her. She looked up startled!

"Would you like to dance?"

Now, you have to understand before I go any farther with this that guys don't ask her to dance. Guys run away from her. Not toward her. It's just how it is, and always will be. It's life. She has accepted that. But as she sat there thinking about him and dancing she thought to herself "is this a joke. Does he really want to dance with me". She looked at him and his smile, back at his friends(who weren't looking at them) then back at the cute guy.

She sighed and shrugged. "Sure."

She grabs his hand and they walk to the dance floor. Do you have that girl and guy pictured in your head on the dance floor under multi-colored lights?

He puts his left hand on her hip, and grabs her right hand with his. She lays her left hand on his shoulder and then they are off.

One. One-two. One. She thought to herself. Ugh! I cannot do this right. Oh my gosh I suck. What must he be thinking.

"Relax a little. Loosen up." He smiled down at her.

She takes a couple breaths and continues. One. One-two. One. Why did I agree to this? I'm making a fool of myself.

"I am still learning. I don't usually dance like this." He laughed a low chuckle.
She smiled, still looking down. "I don't do this that often."
"Naw, you're doing great."

She sighed. She's never sighed. She just doesn't sigh like that. Especially around guys.

"So.. what are you doing in Ardmore?" He asks.

Which startled her. Okay. The guys that has ever talked to her for her friends' benefits usually don't remember anything they talk about. This conversation started ten minutes ago, she figured he doesn't remember. To her surprise, he does!

"Eh.. just been here awhile. Parents brought me here."

This girl, to her friends and family, talks a lot. Always knows what to say. But when it comes to a guy, a nice looking one at that, she cannot find the right word to say. She stutters. A lot. Comes off a little stupid. She hates that.

After the song ended they stopped dancing.

He bowed, then smiled.

"Thank you for the dance."
"You are welcome." She smiled.

Now, she is 100% sure that is all he will do. Won't look, or talk to her again.

She hears a song she likes. She cannot stand it. She's itching to dance. So dance she must. She ends up dragging her two friends out on the dance floor to dance up a storm.

As she's getting into the groove, all loosened up and stuff, she eyes the guy. Doesn't pay any mind, continues dancing. A couple seconds later. There he was. The guy. Walking up to her smiling. Yup. The guy. Yeah! That guy.

Behind her he stood. She got nervous. Wasn't as loosened up as she was. That she should have been.

"Aww, girl, come on. I know you can do better than this!" She said in her ear.
She tried. Cramp!!! Oh my lord! Cramp!!!!
Gotta keep going. She thought to herself. Gotta keep going.

"My friends freaking suck! They won't dance. I shouldn't walk over to them and punch them in the face!!"
They both laugh.
"Seriously! I will buy you a beer if you'll walk over to one of them and punch them straight in the face." He said right at her neckline.

Gosh, I hope I don't stink!

They danced together until the end of the song and said their thank you's and your welcomes and parted ways.

As little as they were around each other it did something for the girl. Yeah! The guy will go home that night and not think of that girl any more. Never have her in his thoughts. Never wonder 'hrm, I wonder what she's doing'. Never wonder if she'll ever be out there again. Nothing. The end.

But her. It did something else for her. It made her realize that not all guys are out to make fun of all the girls who aren't perfect. She walked out of that place that night with her head held high, and went to work with an attitude she's never had before. She was happy. Happy to be her.

That one guy. That simple gesture. Made her feel like a million bucks.

Now only if it happened more often than just once a lifetime.

Love until later.

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Comment by AnGella on July 10, 2009 at 2:26am
Well this girl was also born in Texas and even though it wasn't in the pan handle she knows a Texas boy wants his yellow rose... Maybe he's thinking of her right now. Thinking that girl will never think of me again.




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